New ways to search

Search functionality has been enhanced with new features and improvements.

New features include:

Saving favourite searches – run any search, set your filters and click on the Favourites button. Favourites can also be added as home page tiles from Your Settings.


Export your search results to Excel – load all the results on the page and click on the Export to Excel button to download a formatted spreadsheet displaying the search results.

See results for a selection of depots – Searches default to the depot that you are in; however, you can now select any combination of depots that you like to show results for those depots.

Search from any screen – Use the new search icon from the menu button on the top right of your screen to search from any HireHop page.

Additional updates

  • Home page mobile view – Optimisations to improve user experience when accessing the home page from your phone. Keep an eye out for more updates.
  • Exclude internal purchase orders from accounts sync – Enable this option from company settings to prevent POs set to the type “Internal” from syncing to your accounting package.
  • Payment suspensions report – Use this new report, available from the reports tab on the home page, to create payment suspensions in bulk, e.g. for bank holidays.